Social Media and Real Estate

James Durkin
2 min readMay 6, 2022

Real estate agents can leverage the power of social media to reach a wider audience. About 77% of agents in the real estate industry use social media. Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram are the most common platforms among real estate agents. Here are a few tips about using social media to promote your real estate agency business.

Set Up Social Media Accounts

The first step is setting up a social media account if you don’t have one. At the minimum, you should create accounts on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Facebook and Instagram allow you to share your listing photos, while LinkedIn helps connect with clients and brokerages and network with agents.

Start Conversations

A whopping 94% of millennial homeowners do their search online, making social media a great place to interact with potential clients. Initiate two-way conversations to interact with your audience online. You can achieve this by providing advice on Twitter discussions and creating QA sessions on Facebook.

Strategically Select Social Media Platforms

Real estate agents can be tempted to be on all social media platforms. However, it is best to focus on just a few platforms. Start with reputable platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Be sure to open accounts where most of your target audience spends their time. Focusing on a few platforms will yield better results than spreading over many media.

Post Consistently

You should ensure interaction with your audience by consistently and strategically sharing posts on your social media accounts. The objective is to inform your audience about your real estate agency services without overwhelming them with content. Post promotional, informative and entertaining content to keep them hooked.

Use Storytelling

Incorporating compelling stories is a great way to increase engagement in social media. You can tell stories by talking about your neighborhood, sharing milestones and presenting client testimonials in your content. Storytelling will help develop trust with your target audience.

Add Visuals

On-brand visuals are good for making compelling social media marketing content. Besides creating quality visuals using software, you can use Instagram. Be sure to accompany the visuals with short descriptions.

Maintain Relationships

Social media allows you to maintain relationships with past clients. You can achieve this by consistently posting evergreen content. Keeping customers up-to-date makes you their go-to agent.

Bottom Line

Social media is a must-have tool for realtors. Use these tips to reach your audience, engage them and increase sales.




Originally published at on May 5, 2022



James Durkin

James Durkin is the founder of Property Source Investments where he helps his clients with managing their accounts from acquisition to closing.