Healthcare Tech Startups To Keep An Eye On | James Durkin | Healthcare

James Durkin


For the past couple of years, the healthcare industry has been rapidly changing. This has been due to an influx of money and talent brought on by medical issues like COVID-19.

In return, this money has been used to create various healthcare startups. These are just some of the startups looking to change how medical professionals can use technology.

Rally Health

The best way to treat specific health issues is to prevent them before they even start to happen. Rally Health is a startup looking to help consumers do this.

Through their website, consumers can learn various ways they can prevent certain chronic diseases from developing. The site even features an interactive weight loss program, helping consumers create the right healthy choices for them. Rally Health should be followed if you’re interested in the future of preventive health.

Artificial intelligence is rapidly changing all types of industries, affecting how companies respond to consumers and create products directly tailored for them. This is happening inthe healthcare industry with Healx.

Healx is a healthcare startup based out of the United Kingdom. With artificial intelligence, Healx has been discovering drugs that can help those dealing with rare diseases. The power of artificial intelligence will deeply help the healthcare industry.

Baby Scripts

The struggle for pregnant women and doctors is constantly going to the doctor’s office, taking up a lot of time for both parties. Baby Scripts is a startup looking to solve this issue.

With Baby Scripts, pregnant women and doctors just need to install an application on their mobile phones. With this application, both parties can instantly talk to each other about specific issues they might be having and if they need to visit a doctor’s office. Startups like Baby Scripts will save people a lot of money and time in the future.

Many medical problems can get worse over time if they aren’t being treated by a medical professional. The problem is that these issues often take some time for them to be diagnosed. With InformAI, healthcare professionals can diagnose problems much faster.

is a startup working to create artificial intelligence solutions for the healthcare industry. These solutions allow medical professionals to get a proper medical diagnosis done much quicker than it could be done without artificial intelligence. The speed of an accurate medical diagnosis will be much faster in the future with InformAI. InformAI

Originally published at on October 21, 2021.



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